Help PEP serve you and your business better... complete our Business Needs Assessment
App This! PEP is partnering with the City of Lamar, Lamar Chamber of Commerce, Prowers Medical Center, Lamar Light & Power and Lamar Community College to bring you a one-stop app for Lamar & Prowers County. Find the City of Lamar (and a LOT more) app on the App Store!

Building capacity... PEP welcomes Tallie Harmon as its Project Coordinator... read more.
Prowers Economic Prosperity follows the
IEDC Code of Ethics
Prowers County,
In The Middle of Everywhere.

Business Resources
PEP Awarded Opportunity Zone Video Spotlight Grant

PEP, City & County Updates
Monthly Meetings
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - Third Monday monthly, 12:00 PM. Public is welcome*.
PEP Committees:
Business Retention, Expansion & Attraction - First Monday monthly, 11:00 AM*; Industry-related roundtables as scheduled
Workforce Development/ Entrepreneurship - As scheduled
Quality of Life/Housing - As scheduled
*All meetings are held at the Prowers Economic Prosperity office at 223 S. Main Street, Lamar unless otherwise noted. Virtual attendance option available.
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